Information for EQ Window Members and Other Stakeholders

EQ Window Energy Labeling - Swedac approved specification (certification rules) dated 20130121.

This certification scheme expires on 30 November 2023.


For two years, EQ Window has been applying for acceptance of the revised scheme (EQ certification rules V1 2023-1) to enable window manufacturers to issue certificates for properties covered by (EU) 305/2011 CPR Construction Product Regulation. The property reporting differs from the CPR in terms of design, content, and classification but is based on the essential characteristics in the harmonized standards.

Swedac's Assessment

Swedac cannot accept (EQ certification rules V1 2023-1) because it contradicts what is specified in (EU) 305/2011 CPR Article 8, paragraph 3.


This means that EQ Window's energy labeling will cease since there should be no other labeling than the CE marking describing the product's performance.

What Happens Now?

Members with certification will receive a written revocation notice from the Certificate Issuer, Rise Research Institutes of Sweden AB.

Members should, no later than 20231231:

  • Cease all EQ energy labeling of physical products
  • Stop all marketing of EQ energy-labeled products
  • Notify that the above has been completed at

Continued Activities of EQ Window

It is only EQ Window's energy labeling that ceases, the association continues to be operated. Members should continue to maintain links and references to EQ Window's website with valuable information.

The EQ Window board will work on a proposal for a new scheme until the next annual meeting in April 2024. The association's ambition and goal are the same as they were 10 years ago, to make it easier for our consumers to choose energy-efficient Doors & Windows that comply with current building regulations and our needs in Sweden.